Frequently Asked Questions
Our Team will answer any question not listed on this FAQ section about your assigned program.
How can I get help if I don't have health insurance?
Regis House offers therapy at low rates based on a sliding scale that considers income. We also may provide free services for a limited number of individuals who cannot afford to pay.
Can I use my personal health insurance for Regis House Services?
We accept Medicaid plans; please contact us to see if we accept your plan.
Does Regis House offer Telehealth?
Yes, we offer both Telehealth and in-person services.
Is virtual Mental Healthcare effective?
Virtual therapy has shown to be as effective as in-person therapy for most individuals.
Can Regis House prescribe or provide medications?
No, we do not.
What type of accreditation does the staff at Regis House have?
Among our staff, we have Master’s level clinicians trained in the field of Mental Health, Clinical Social Work, and Family therapy.
What is group therapy?
In the form of Pshychotherapy is when a group of patients with similar experiences share, describe, and discuss their problems together with the supervision of one or more therapists. In group therapy, members of the group meet regularly with a therapist facilitating discussions that focus on developing self-awareness and behavior change.
What is one-on-one or individual therapy?
In Individual Therapy, clients meet regularly for 45 minutes sessions with therapists. The sessions focus on topics based on individualized needs. One-on-one also known as Individual Therapy often takes place in a therapist office private setting where the Therapist makes an initial assessment of the patient's condition to then determine the most effective pathway to healing.
What types of therapy does Regis House offer?
We offer different types of therapy approaches that are client-centered.
What conditions can the Regis House Psychologists treat?
Anxiety Disorders, Behavioral Issues, Depression, Dissociative Disorders, Gender Identity & Dysphoria, Mood Disorders, Personality Disorders, Self Harm, Substance Use & Mental Health, Technology and Online Addiction, Trauma, PTSD, Sexual Abuse, and other types of Abuse among others.
Does Regis House offer inpatient services such as substance use, detox, etc.?
No, we do not offer such services. We only offer outpatient therapy services.